Monday, December 19, 2011

Style Sins

...were the least of his horrendously a**holish and horrifyingly cruel sins.  His "tailor" continually let out his waistband, while 99% of the population had to keep theirs in as he starved them over the last two decades (since this is not a political blog, I have to tie it into men's clothing somehow).  Maybe his one-piece zip-front gray suits are flame-retardant, because he'll need that feature at his next stop.


  1. Oh, so well-said. And, the Stubbs & Wootens in the last post are simply awesome. Would love to get Hubby a pair, but this Christmas the focus is on running gear. Maybe for our next anniversary...

  2. Actually, his choice of cloth is Scabal, not some trashy brand--except it is a sin nonetheless...


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