Thursday, November 15, 2012

Coats Driven and Philadelphia Barriers

We packed into the Sail Loft (a favorite sailor's pub) and we were able to fill the boxes with eighty-eight coats, plus hats and scarves.  The quality of coats was astounding and humbling (noted and appreciated by the organization's representative who attended).  I can't thank those who attended enough, and for those of you who emailed me telling me about your local donations.  A thanks to all of you and your generosity.

Of note was one young woman who had no extra coats at home, so she went to a local store and bought six new children's coats off the rack.  We had a diverse turn-out, and I'm deeply grateful for all who attended.  Phillip (a regular commenter to Boxing The Compass) and his wife were instrumental in the effort, and it would not have happened without them.

Bay Cove is directing these coats to programs assisting people in entering or returning to the workforce.  I do believe that enabling those who are able to participate in commerce of any sort will benefit everyone.  The large number of children's coats will likely be distributed within hours of me writing this.      

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I was in Philadelphia last week, and though the Mainline Sportsman was down for the count with the influence of influenza, I was able to have a perfectly pleasant evening with the gentleman behind the blog Brohammas.  We talked away the afternoon and well into the evening, and he was as adventurous with his willingness to eat strange foods as I was.  He's built like a fighter from rugged Western stock and judging by his build, he was likely an acute terror to his rugby opponents.  Saddled atop his concrete shoulders is a highly intelligent mind and an approachable personality.  A dedicated father and husband, he embodies the good side of being analytical and the analytical side of being observant.  We hit it off very easily.

How does this tie into the coat drive?  We talked for a while about barriers both real and perceived.  Lastnight, the representative from the coat charity told me that clothing is actually one of the more significant barriers to entering into the job market.  I will spare you my lecture about how local licensing and permitting deters budding entrepreneurs, but the clothing issue as a barrier is more real than I had realized as it pertains to the entry rungs on the ladder.


  1. If I read much more of this my head will swell as big as my concrete shoulders.
    I had a great time.
    "Dress For Success" is a great charity that collects professional clothing for women.

    Good work.

  2. I don't think it is that surprising that clothing is a perceived barrier barring entry to the work place. People make all kinds of judgments about other people based on nothing more than the fabric on their backs and other people make a ass load of money selling an image that certain styles of fabric create.

    I actually would like to hear your theories on local licensing and permitting and how that stifles entrepreneurship. I've got some similar theories that have been kicking around in my head, but haven't really solidified. Perhaps next time I find myself in Boston you'd like to join me for a few cocktails?

    1. *Randall: If I'm in town when you visit, consider it done.

    2. Wonderful. I'm usually in Boston about four times a year. Not sure when my next trip to Boston will be, but I'm looking forward to it.

  3. An organization called the Clothing Collaborative (branches in both Boston and Providence) collects ready-to-wear men's and women's professional clothing as part of their program to help people enter the workforce. Dress for Success is great, but it's good to have a place to take menswear as well.


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