Monday, November 12, 2012

Coat Drive

A friend/co-host/organizer put this together for the coat-drive.  
Hope you can make it, or support one in your local area.

We sat (by the fireplace after work, each with a glass of Scotch), and agreed that we wanted little to do with raising money that would only feed administratively top-heavy "charities".  A coat drive was his idea, and I was immediately onboard.  I've bitched about this before, I know.  100% of coat donations will be made available to those who need them.  If you haven't worn it in two season, you likely won't miss it.


  1. brilliant idea. have forwarded to a few others as will be OOT.

  2. Exceptionally brilliant.

    Good for you both.

  3. Is there a location where donated coats can be dropped off? I will be traveling on the 14th, but would like to support the cause.

    1. *Mr. Sidetable: Are in or near Boston? If so, I can find out where the nearest drip box is. If not, I will try to find something in your area. Please send me an email directly:

    2. Their site will find a drop point for you nationwide:

  4. A friend was collecting for the residents of Staten Island and the Rockaways, so I divested myself of a number of coats and jackets that I no longer wear. Better than on someone's back than in my closet.

    Good on y'all for doing this!


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