Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To The Man Airborne: Toad Haul

As a very hot evening in Boston settled itself in, I was able to host a charming gent named Toad, who was fresh off a jet from Mayberry.  He was engaging in some particularly heroic father's duty and had a spare evening to trot around the city in full-steam indulgence.  Being that there are few thing which I enjoy more than exactly that, we made a fantastic evening of it.  I was especially honored when he appeared in a long tie (for the first time in a decade, he told me) for our evening of booze, restaurants, and cigars.  Giving up this trademark bow-tie for his visit, he charmed Bostonians throughout Back Bay as we hopped from one air-conditioned establishment to another.  I trotted out a pink jacket for the occasion, and he was handsomely tailored in a light summer linen.

He drinks like a man, talks like a friend, and treats you like family.  I was happy to help him kick off his tour of the Eastern Corridor before his trip home.  Safe travels, Toad.


  1. You make quite a team. I also wish I was there...

  2. totally bummed by my phone call from toad this morning saying he was heading west with a puking puppy in the car, and would miss the baltimore segment of the trip. hope to see him later in the summer though.

  3. Glad to hear you two had a fun time during Toad's visit!

  4. I join the others in wishing i had been along for the night. It is wonderful to hear that someone is how you thought he would be.

  5. I don't know who your companion is, but you chaps look fantastic. Pink jacket? I wouldn't (couldn't) do it myself, but it looks wonderful on you. Really well done. Impressive.

  6. He looks a HOOT! Loved your zodiac sign statement on your profile. Only for boat owners!
    I am you newest follower from Wales, UK, living on a boat in the Bristol Channel.
    Warm Welsh Wishes

  7. Enjoying your blog - great posts. I'm envious of your shirt collection.

  8. How fun! Booze, restaurants and cigars are two of my favorite things!


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