A week of traveling to Virginia and North Carolina has produced some interesting experiences. To begin with, NCAA Lacrosse has been particularly exciting, and I have been able to watch several of the games... one of which was won with one remaining second on the clock to the tie-breaker (Hartford/Stony Brook).
Between meetings, I was able to sneak off into the splendid Virginia Countryside (northwest of Charlottesville) in Madison County, where pre-dawn brook trout unskeptically took the flies I showed them. Later in the day, when the shadows were long again, I pulled the waders over my suit trousers and caught a few more.
Pre-sunrise in Virginia |
A small stream with trout hiding in the pockets and pools |
Mrs. has a particularly charming fly-fishing outfit that gets stares from both man and beast. She is hard to miss when she's in the wilderness in this.
Pink LLBean fishing vest |
Pink fishing vest and pink Hermes scarf |
Back home to Boston for a few days where a small nest-fallen bird perched on my finger at Government Center.
Again south days later, but to Chapel Hill where watching the lacrosse was great, the parties were fantastic, and a college friend got hitched to a beautiful woman during an outdoor ceremony. I wore this to the rehearsal dinner.
A great shop on Main St. offers the reverse of my Brooks Brothers Shirt, though they were asking $170 for an off-the-shelf shirt (it
was charming). Obviously, this Yankee did not even consider it... bespoke shirts are often less.
Mine... |
Their shirt |
In their window was a blue cuff/collared shirt with blue elbow patches... I loved it. My friends and I stopped when we saw this one.
The carpet in the hallways at Aloft Hotel reassured me of my sock choice an evening later.
With a full 20 degree average increase in temperature compared to Boston, it was refreshing to stroll around wearing lighter cottons, naked ankles, and smiles. The Virginia/North Carolina area is perfect right now, and people know how to dress for events... the heat has not set in yet, but the sun is out, and when I return to Boston, spring will still be in her moody phase. Until then, I raise a glass to the upland south.